We just launched a week-long course dedicated to teaching you how to heal yourself with Psilocybin! JOIN US HERE $11
To offer you a physical product with alchemy formulations downloaded from the plant spirits to awaken greater light within your being while simultaneously creating a communicate to educate and awaken these new medicinal pathways coming through. We will answer questions, create safe space and educate to bring our community into the know about what plant medicine do for your physical health, mental health and spiritual awakening.
Seeds of love through words will be placed in a booklet in each box of chocolates to guide you further down your path of awakening.
Consume our next level formulations and experience the enhancement of joy, love and manifesting in your life!
Join our community sharing knowledge, experiences and downloads in the present to gift you with more light and laughter.
Live and receive everything you want in this life by remembering how powerful you already are now.
Psilocybin™️ was created to begin educating, enlightening and supporting the community in upgrading their inner vibrations in order to get everything they want of their time here on earth. We have created physical chocolate bars to be the carrier of this message and create a community around our message which is assisting thousands in upgrading their inner world to be happy, healthy and full of an abundant joy. Each box will contain a booklet full of Love filled downloads to enhance your life, activate more love and bring you back to the knowing that you are light. Repeat this mantra: I am the light, the light I am.
As we listen and absorb with our heart we have captured the wisdom from Psilocybin on love, kindness, and the wisdom that comes from a medicine journey with Psychedelics. This beautiful book encapsulates great plant spirit wisdom teachings and brings you a step-by-step guide back to more love.
The book includes a guide on how to use our chocolate formulas to enhance your medicine journey while sharing a unique story from our Forward author.
Launching May 2020