

Psilocybin™️ was created to begin educating, enlightening and supporting the community in upgrading their inner vibrations in order to get everything they want of their time here on earth. We have created physical chocolate bars to be the carrier of this message and create a community around our message which is assisting thousands in upgrading their inner world to be happy, healthy and full of an abundant joy.

Our messages are downloads from universal guidance and here to impart to you what’s next and on the frontier of our evolutionary awakening we are all experiencing together. Each chocolate bar has been designed for a very deep and cosmic awakening, the packaging begins to shift your vibration and our three bars will each create a different effect on your body, mind and soul.

Take the time to read the Download on opening the vibrational portal inside of your chocolate bar, these ritual enhancing words will enliven the shift you set your intention to.



To offer you a physical product with alchemy formulations downloaded from the plant spirits to awaken greater light within your being while simultaneously creating a communicate to educate and awaken these new medicinal pathways coming through. We will answer questions, create safe space and educate to bring our community into the know about what plant medicine do for your physical health, mental health and spiritual awakening.


Enjoy the chocolate bars which have been created as a gateway to educate you on what is next for medicinal mushroom health and healing


Consume our next level formulations and experience the enhancement of joy, love and manifesting in your life!


Join our community sharing knowledge, experiences and downloads in the present to gift you with more light and laughter.


Live and receive everything you want in this life by remembering how powerful you already are now.


“If you sit in silence and connect with a flower all of your questions about the universe will be answered.”

Scarlet Ravin, Founder



With sparks of source coming through fast we gather these star dust filled wisdom kernels and transform them into a community of expansion, growth and inspiration. Psilocybin™️ began as our founder Scarlet Ravin received visions of new plant medicine gateways opening for the people to feel more held, loved, happy and full of joy and connection. Scarlet started White Fox Medicinals™️ a Cannabis and Hemp company back in 2015 bringing new herbal downloads to the people and working with the spirit of Cannabis to further awaken and create gateways via plant spirit guidance and food as medicine.

These new ways of seeing the world, what we put in our body and how we use our thoughts are gateways to next level living and one that Scarlet and her community love to feed, nurture and share as those pathways open the most dear life transformations to allow more sacred in, and the awakening of remembrance that we are all Star Dust and sarks of source.

Plants can awaken this imprint of knowing inside of us, and as the plants began to speak to Scarlet about preparing the land and soil for this new wave os Psilocybin that is yet to come she was guided to creating a chocolate bar that would one day be the portal of offering the actual Psilocybin mushrooms, but until the laws permit that we create community here while sharing our unique, one of a kind herbal formulations that are changing the lives of many.

You will soon discover you don’t necessarily need the psilocybin in these chocolate bars to experience the shift, the packaging and prayers inside the wrapper and formulas will awaken you to next level seeing as they all are downloads from spirit like Scarlet’s other Vape and Hemp Nectar lines.




Scarlet Ravin

Intuitive Readings mixed with Alchemical offerings Scarlet can council, guide and assist you into getting the life you want while working with plant spirits. Click HERE


Hana Casteneda

Hana is an adventurer and an avid learner of alternative walks in this life. She humbly offers Kambo, The Frog Medicine which origins stem centuries back from the Amazon. She gratefully serves this potent secretion in helping others shed layers of not only physical ailments, but energetic blocks that may be keeping others from deeper wisdom and clarity. . CLICK HERE for WEBSITE